Wonder Woman 1984 ha recibido proyecciones virtuales para un selecto grupo de prensa, y si bien las reseñas completas permanecen bajo embargo por ahora, algunos han tomado sus redes sociales para hacer comentarios.
Aquí hay un puñado de reacciones:
Yesterday I saw Wonder Woman 1984 at home & it was everything I needed & more. The movie is hugely ambitious, incredibly exciting, and full of much needed hope. It's also very long, to a fault at times, but mostly it reminded me how wonderful a big blockbuster can make you feel. pic.twitter.com/6rYbHEzI7E
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) December 5, 2020
Watched Wonder Woman 1984 last night at a virtual press event! It was wonderful! Kristen Wiig is phenomenal as Barbara, the opening 10 minutes will bring tears to your eyes …I absolutely loved it! @pattyjenks and @galgadot knock it out of the park! #WW84 @wonderwomanfilm pic.twitter.com/HVNGmkuorT
— Jenna Busch (@JennaBusch) December 5, 2020
#WonderWoman1984 was worth the wait. Between the stunning visuals and resonant emotional beats, it's a piece brimming with charm and confidence. I sincerely hope it's an experience we can all share together in a theater someday. #WW1984
— Meagan Damore (@metathor) December 5, 2020
Huge news: Wonder Woman 1984 is fantastic! The story is excellent & has a great, timely message; it packs in a ton of surprises; and amazing work is done with both Cheetah & Max Lord (Wiig & Pascal are both stellar). Get hyped, because it's the real deal. #WonderWoman1984 #WW1984 pic.twitter.com/9UQLyxn3gx
— Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) December 5, 2020
I saw #WonderWoman1984 yesterday. It was a lot of fun and has a very heartwarming and hopeful message that, frankly, we really need this year. pic.twitter.com/eWNS71VfsS
— Jim Vejvoda (@JimVejvoda) December 5, 2020
I've seen #WonderWoman1984!@PattyJenks literally made an 80s movie in every way, making it so unique for today. It feels both bigger than the first WW while simultaneously more contained.
Lots of Diana Prince and some epic Wonder Woman moments as @GalGadot literally soars! pic.twitter.com/QluelKwYly
— BD (@BrandonDavisBD) December 5, 2020
.@WonderWomanFilm is that rare sequel that avoids being a rehash, making huge bold swings. Both @GalGadot’s #WonderWoman and @PattyJenks’ movie never give into cynicism and we love them for it. #WonderWoman1984 takes awhile to get going but once it does it’s fresh & exhilarating! pic.twitter.com/YowjsWq55x
— Max Evry (@maxevry) December 5, 2020
Wonder Woman 1984 llega a cines de México el 17 de diciembre.
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